8. DOM_Text
The DOM_Text node inherits the structure of the DOM_CharacterData interface. It represents the character data between elements (and much less frequently the character data associated with an attribute of an element). The length of the text string may be retrived with the DOM_CharacterData_getLength function.
8.1. The DOM_Text functions
The DOM_Text_splitText function
#include <domc.h>
DOM_Text *DOM_Text_splitText(DOM_Text *this, int offset);
The DOM_Text_splitText function splits this DOM_Text node at the specified offset into two adjacent DOM_Text nodes. The first is a string offset size in length whereas the seconds is the remain string. If offset is equal to the length of the string the new sibling is created with a string of 0 length.
The new DOM_Text node containing the text that was at offset.
Copyright 2003 Michael B. Allen <mballen@erols.com>
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